To conserve economically develop and sustainably manage the wildlife and protected area of Uganda in partnership with neighboring communities and stake holders for the benefit of the people of Uganda and global community.
To be a leading self sustaining conservation agency with health ecosystem that transforms Uganda into an outstanding ecotourism in Uganda.
- To cultivate a desire for environmental conservation amongst the people of Uganda and East Africa as a whole.
- To promote appreciation and scientific study of the country’s wildlife and the environment.
- To promote realization of the economic recreational and aesthetic value of the country’s natural resources.
- Subsidized to national parks and conversation areas in east Africa.
- Free copy of the wildlife newsletter and the conservation education materials.
- Assistance in arrangement of exchange visits, excursion trips education tours to wild life area in east Africa.
- Free film shows, documentaries, lectures, seminars e.t.c
Activities carried out.
- Visiting wildlife conservation areas like National parks, Uganda Wild life Education Centre, Mountains like Elgon, Kilimanjaro among other places.
- Doing community work in the neighboring communities
- Sensitizing the communities about wildlife and nature conservation
- Mobilizing people against nature/environmental destruction.
- Sustaining the Uganda wildlife authority through collecting membership fee annually from different clubs in the country.
- Rescuing wildlife species in danger under rescue missions
By loving nature, you love God
St. Joseph’s Technical Institute Kisubi lies on the great scenery, that non of us has never stopped admiring. Green is gold brown is bronze the broad perspective of ever green endowed environment harbored by wildlife club of the institute. Which manily portrays the forestly view of nature(Botanical) and wild creatures in it.
Wildlife existed since the beginning of the world through it lucked the word “club” the main aim of the club is to protect and conserve the environment which I think we have done to our climax. Great regards to our patron (Mr. Kasinga Godfrey), club members and the entire administration that has given us an eye of help towards our club activities. We pray to the almighty load to bless you in whatever you are doing.
The main activity of the club is to protect and conserve the environment for the better future and stick to the dream of Uganda to remain the pearl of Africa with a belief that one tree can start up the a forest.
“Protect and Conserve the environment”