Building Construction Department

Departmental Staff Members

 Kalema K. Charles - Head of Department

  1. Kyeswa Paul - Assistant Head of Department
  2. Kiberu Edward. - Teacher
  3. Kajjumba Edward - Teacher
  4. Kasozi Daniel - Teacher
  5. Kiberu Bernard - Teacher
  6. Mbuya Deogratias Gwisa - Teacher
  7. Mirembe Ruth - Store Keeper

 The department is housed in five blocks of buildings with two workshops, three classrooms, a store and an office.


  • Overall performance improved from 45% t0 65%.
  • Three teachers upgraded their qualifications.


  • There exists good co-operation among the teachers in the department.
  • Teachers are hardworking.

Future Plans

  • Commencement of short Courses.
  • Making of Sand Cement blocks/bricks.
  • Concrete caravats.
  • Industrial visits.